CCJDC Meeting Minutes- August 13, 2019


9:30 am: Call to Order/Sign-in Sheet: Meeting called to order by Austin Robey, chair of CCJDC.

9:31 am: Review/Approval of Minutes

9:32 am: Any new announcements or additions to agenda

AMBAG will be hiring two new GIS & Planning Interns in the next couple months for current students or recent graduates. Position is 19 hours a week permanent. Look for it to be posted on AMBAG’s website and further announcement on CCJDC email group when formalized.

For any announcements, email Austin or Gina to relay to CCJDC email group.

9:34 am: CalGIS Update

CalGIS is state level group similar to CCJDC that meets every other month. Last meeting was in June. Last meeting had at least 20 people in the room and 30 more on webinar. Last big presentation as about California’s NextGen911 integration, mostly being spearheaded by Southern California. StoryMap on, may also have recordings of webinar.

Carol: Council has new chair coming in, Issac Cabrera from Contra Costa County. Upcoming focus is to revisit council charter and fine tune it. No fees for membership, join the ListServ, vote in elections and become part of the community. Strategic planning is another focus. Off and on leadership at the state level throughout the past several years. Want to look at requirements gathering around the state for the kinds of data needed at state level. FGDC layers, other layers that people want to see developed (parcel data, etc.). Figure out a path forward for state level strategic planning. What benefits do people get from various data layers?

9:40 am: Participant Introductions & Agency Updates

Austin Robey, City of Watsonville: Lots of different projects going on. Launching CityWorks, an asset management program. Rolling that out for water, sewer, and storm drain networks. Training staff for mobile field data collection and design calculations made on the fly. Big project requiring starting up their own WebGIS infrastructure which City of Watsonville hasn’t had in the past. New ArcServer and web services coming up, look for that in next 6 months. In the planning phases for new countywide aerial images flown in summer 2020. Lots of work with address/street/parcel data in support of new permitting software. Reviewing data and automating processes to streamline workflow. Utilized ESRI Addressing Data Reviewer in support of this which helped streamline the workflow and get better data.

Alex Nereson, Santa Cruz County: Migrating to new data model for parcel data set. Moving from geodatabase feature class to ESRI’s Parcel Fabric Data Model. Meeting with ESRI to talk about that migration.

Jenni Gomez, Santa Cruz County Assessor’s Office: Starting to work with ArcPro.

Chuck Baughman: Formerly with San Lorenzo Valley Water District, here as an observer and consumer of data. Pleased with amount of data available for Santa Cruz County compared to other counties.

Mary Israel, FORA: Ramping down projects with FORA due to sunset in June 2020. Most of work happening now is distributing the CIP projects.

Rick Boggs, CSUMB: Lot of field data collection and mapping of utility structure. Pleased with Eos Arrow and ArcCollector. Also looking into rangefinder for GPS collections for more coverage and accuracy. Changing roles at CSUMB to Facility Services Department. Moving toward asset management side full time. Hopefully start up CityWorks as a role out. Need to coordinate systems to visualize where assets are. Not as much GIS work in the future. Also working with ESRI CityEngine: 3D software that uses procedural modeling based on scripts. Using to develop alternative design scenarios around campus.

Gavin Leavitt, City of Salinas: Building out storm drain utility network, had dataset before from the 70s. Filling in with newer data. Also working on sewer network, hopefully to detect leaks and parcels affected by leak. Using geometric network.

Randy Casey, City of Salinas: GIS division is supporting multiple divisions within City of Salinas, mostly permitting. TRAKiT, a permitting software, being upgraded and is now GIS reliant. City of Salinas now managing own parcel geometry for first time in over a decade. Had to create own parcel fabric using Pro 2.4. New functionality is bringing in own data and cleaning it up later. Addressing is also happening in support of the permitting department, had to create tool for that. Storm water crews out collecting information using GeoCortex web applications provided by Salinas GIS, troubleshooting in support of that. Moving forward to upgrade architecture to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7.1. Building Portal system around it for staff support so they can bring whatever data they have and drop it into a web map. Impressed with ArcGIS Pro 2.4.1, impressed with the Parcel Fabric toolsets and how program is maturing.

Vincent Lantaca, City of Salinas: Working on request data, need the data for reporting. Set up scripts to get data from API, and get most current data on front facing Portal.

Brian Kriete, Santa Cruz County: Doing a lot of work with asset management program. Recently upgraded to Enterprise. Lots of work with sanitation, roads. Moving toward Survey123 as opposed to Collector. Serves same purpose without having to pay for license. Looking good for their GIS department.

Patrick Dobbins, City of Gonzales: Tring to get their data into GIS from AutoCAD. Meeting with ESRI to talk about this move.

Carol Ostergren, USGS: LiDAR will hopefully be on her desk this afternoon. All of Monterey County, most of Santa Cruz, most of San Benito, a little bit of Santa Clara. Quality Level II, no contours. If you want to receive data in bulk, data can be loaded onto a drive. If want just a part, use National Map Portal. Funded by FEMA Region 9, completely financed the data collection. She will try to get FEMA counterpart to one of these meetings or GIS day. 8 year repeat cycle for LiDAR. Recognize some parts (such as coastline) need more frequent LiDAR collection. Perhaps set up a cost share to achieve this. Cost estimate per area for LiDAR? Costs are really variable, may be different requirements for different areas and different specifications. For example CalFire wants very high quality which increases cost. If there are areas where not dense vegetation, could cost less. Small features, building footprints, etc. need higher res. Cities that pay up front get higher quality data.

Chris Bley, Monterey Bay DART: Talked about FAA program for drones and having a place to test and develop drones. Applied to use Marina Airport as test location but did not get the program so continued with Monterey Bay DART. Align business with education and testing technologies. Everything from urban air mobility down to using smaller drones for LiDAR. Naval Postgraduate School playing a big part. Camp Roberts has a program. Not only drones but rovers are being tested and developed. Had symposium in June. Private company on a smaller scale, can get imagery at lower cost for smaller plots.

Gina Schmidt, AMBAG: Regional transportation modeling, 80% of what she does. Lot of support for Census work. May was submittal for PSAP process. Refine anything to needed to be updated for the 2020 census.

Will Condon, AMBAG: Editing and cleaning datasets that feed into AMBAG’s Activity Based Model and public request maps. Helping planning department with projects.

10:13 am: GIS Day Planning

Need a venue before we can do anything else. Brian reached out to Cabrillo College, who is excited to host GIS day. Developed a co-sponsorship with Geography department. They recommended a good room, room is free but other costs associated (custodial, IT, etc.). Need sponsors for funding to cover these costs because there is no funding for GIS day. How much are the fees? If we cannot find sponsor, alternative is to not host GIS day this year. Food in past has been donated or sponsored. Host venue has provided food donations in past years. See if we can work with Cabrillo to see if they can donate. Austin also reached out to UCSC, faculty support and potentially a room but unsure about donations. Members will continue to reach out to potential sponsors. Date is November 17, so getting close to go/no go call. Reached an agreement that end of August will be deadline for whether we have it or not. Space requirement? Past GIS days had 50-170 people, lasts about 4 hours. Mix of professionals and students, handful of presentations about 10-20 minutes long. At one event had panel, others had map/poster galleries. All have worked really well in the past. Medium to large size room.  One idea is UCSC arboretum, City of Watsonville community room also a possibility. In the past, also had smaller scale GIS days, where GIS enthusiasts meet and network. Try to lean toward involving students because they’re the future of the program. Volunteers for sub-committee.

For sponsorships, reach out toward public agencies. Looking for volunteers to reach out to sponsors. Email Austin if interested.

10:40 am: Presentation: Regional Transportation Modeling by Dr. Bhupendra Patel, AMBAG

Received presentation from Bhupendra Patel from AMBAG about their Regional Transportation Model. Data for the model comes from the Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy. It is important to receive data from the jurisdictions and to share data in order to create the most accurate model possible.

11:54 Wrap Up and Meeting Adjourned